University Of Eldoret Logo, Our mission is to provide high quality education and training, in Science, Agriculture and Technology that promotes networking, partnership and linkages with other institutions and industry.
To be a premier University that is globally visible in knowledge generation and technological innovations

Vice Chancellor Profile
Professor Akenga joined the University of Eldoret as Vice-Chancellor on June 10th, 2013. Currently, she is serving her second term as the Vice-Chancellor of this prestigious University.
Professor Akenga is a holder of Ph.D. Degree in (Organic Chemistry: Synthesis) from the University of New South Wales in Australia, Masters of Business Administration (Corporate Governance) from KCA University, Nairobi – Kenya, Masters of Science Degree in Chemistry from Kenyatta University and Bachelors of Education (Sc. Chemistry & Mathematics major) from Kenyatta University.
A chemist by Training, Professor Akenga has a lot of experience in training, research, leadership, and management, having served in various academic and administrative capacities in Kenya and Rwanda prior to joining the University of Eldoret as its first Vice-Chancellor.
As a trained graduate lecturer in Chemistry and Mathematics, Professor Akenga has served previously as a Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Charge of Academics, Research and Extension at The Management University of Africa and as Deputy Principal, Academic Affairs at Bondo University College currently re-named Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology –JOOUST. She was an Associate Professor and Professor of Organic Chemistry Kigali Institute of Science and Technology, (KIST), Rwanda. She served as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in the Chemistry Department at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, teaching Organic Chemistry.
Professor Akenga serves in several boards of Corporation. She is a representative of the Vice-Chancellors at the Board of Kenya School of Government (KSG), she is also a member of the RUFORUM Board Executive Committee.
She is a member of the Forum for African Women Vice-Chancellor (FAWoVC), Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OSWD), Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), Pan African network of Chemists, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists, African Dry-Land Alliance for Pesticidal Plant Technologies-Kenya Chapter (ADAPPT-K), Kenya Chemical Society (KCS), African Network for the Chemical Analysis of Pesticides (ANCAP), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Consortium on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the South-Medicinal Plant Network. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Universities Council East Africa (IUCEA).
As an academician, she has published many articles and journals which have been recognized both nationally, regionally and internationally. She was awarded the Moran of the Burning Spear by H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2013, as a recognition for her contribution to Training, Research and Curricula Development.
Our Motto
Flame of Knowledge and Innovation
Our Core Values
At University of Eldoret, we are committed to living out core values that influence our actions and practices. These values form the basis for leadership and management practices and guide the behavior of all our staff. The University’s core values include the following and embrace all critical areas of our operations:
- Integrity: We aim to espouse transparency and integrity in our actions and conduct.
- Innovativeness: Embracing change and continuous improvement.
- Customer satisfaction: We aim to deliver quality services to our customers and to honour our commitments.
- Competitiveness: We are committed to global visibility and competitiveness in our academic pursuits.
- Equity: Fairness and equal opportunities to all.
- Responsiveness: We will exercise awareness to the needs of our stakeholders.
Our Philosophy
The University believes that every student can learn and succeed. That the willingness to learn is a choice made in a supportive environment. In such an environment the students intensely engage in critical thinking and theory so that they learn how to think and apply theoretical knowledge. The ability to teach and research is a skill to be acquired and nurtured.
The University believes that every student can learn and succeed. That the willingness to learn is a choice made in a supportive environment. In such an environment the students intensely engage in critical thinking and theory so that they learn how to think and apply theoretical knowledge. The ability to teach and research is a skill to be acquired and nurtured. The University is focused on its core mission of nurturing, teaching and learning of the right kind of education, raising the right kind of leaders, promoting the right kind of values and graduating the right kind of students to bring about the right kind of changes that this country needs.
Guiding Principles
The Strategic Plan and orientation is informed by the following principles:
- The University wishes to blend the current programs with research and extension;
- The University will foster integration of its teaching, research, extension and consultancy services;
- The University will foster intellectual and cultural diversity in an environment that enhances individual growth and development;
- The University will recognize its corporate social responsibility to the community;
- The University will advance in science, technology and innovation for sustainable development and;
- The University will train and develop informed practical, innovative and self–reliant graduates of international repute.