All About Nyabururu Girls High School
Nyabururu Girls High School is located in the Kitutu Chache constituency in Township . Nyabururu High School is part of the Central Kisii distict in the Nyanza province of Kenya.
Nyabururu High School is a GirlsĀ school. The schools sponsorship is listed as Religious Organization. The School Institution Type is classified as a national school in Kenya.
Nyabururu High School has an enrollment of 960 with a student teacher ratio of 22.3 and a total teaching staff of 43 people. This school has a total acreage of 10.
Contact Nyabururu High School
School Name: Nyabururu Girls High School
School Code No: 40700003
Type of School: Girls Boarding
County: Kisii County
Physical Address:
Postal Address: P.O.Box 533,Kisii 40200