Moi Forces Academy Lanet
Moi Forces Academy Lanet is a Public National Girls High School situated in Lanet,(Near Lanet Barracks) Nakuru County-Kenya.
It started in 1986,with only 40 students,and two streams: X and A., and 20 teachers. Over time,the school has grown to 900 students,and over 40 teachers. We have 5 streams,namely: North,South,East,West,Central.
The school is sponsored by the Kenya Defense forces and thus 80% of the students are from the Defense forces families while 20% are from the civilian families.
Moi Forces Academy Lanet – Objectives
Our Specific Objectives which are also in line with the national goals of eductaion are:
- To develop a firm foundation for education.
- To develop and harmonize the mental,social,spiritual vitures of the learner.
- To prepare the learner to make a positive contribution to the development of the society.
- Encourage positive attitute to National Patriotism,self respect ,self discipline and consideration for others.
- To Prepare th learner to contribute loyalty to offer services to home society and the nation.
- The education/knowledge received should be in regard for the formation of the whole person that all may attain eternal destiny.
Moi Forces Academy Lanet – Facilities
The school has good physical facilities that are adequate for the six streams.
They are:
- 2 Dormitory Blocks with 8 houses
- A large Dinning Hall and a Spacious Kitchen
- 22 classrooms to hold 50-60 students each
- Home science with a (cookery,model and Sewing rooms) and Music Block
- Computer Center with 24/7 high speed internet access
- 4 block adequate Labs for Sciences
- Olympic Size Swimming pool and a changing room.
- Basket Ball,Football,Netball,Handball Pitches
- 61-seater Bus (Princess)
Moi Forces Academy Lanet Results
The school’s academic Performance has been steadily rising and attaining a mean score of above 9.0, with the highest mean recorded by the 2013 class of 9.6.
This has seen at least above 200 students get a mean grade of a B plain and above,hence qualify for the regular degree program in our local universities.
The inter-classes competitions.
Classes and streams are encouraged to compete amongst themselves,with the best classes being awarded with presents.
This has seen a great improvement in the internal exams held in the school.
This Motivational scheme has also seen teachers awarded for their hard work.
The form fours are also awarded,with those getting a amean grade of A receiving Kshs.10,000/= each and those getting A- getting Kshs.5,000/= each.
Moi Forces Academy Lanet – Co-curricular Activities
The school has been actively participating in activities such as games,drama,music,symposiums.
In drama the school has won Several times at National Level in Choral verse presentation and come back with several trophies.

Moi Forces Academy Lanet
Moi Forces Lanet History
The School Started in 1986, after the former Head of state His Excellency President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi and the Board of Governors decided that Moi Forces Academy- Nairobi should cease to be a co-educational institution.
it a girls’ national boarding school,sponsored by the Kenya Defense Forces with 80% of the students therefore are from the Defense Forces families,while 20% are from the Civilian Families.
it started as a Double streamed school,but due to demand for higher education for the girl child,the school has grown to be 5-streamed,and in 2015,it we added a sixth stream.
The streams Namely are:
- East
- West
- North
- South
- Central
- Meridian.
The school has had three Principals since inception
- Miss Zilphah Omondi (1986-2000)
- Mrs.Cecilia Ng’etich (2001-2005)
- Miss. Elizabeth N. Njoroge (2006- to date)
Moi Forces Academy Lanet Contacts
School Name: Moi Forces Academy Lanet
Physical Location: Dundori Road
Address: P.O. Box 1238, Nakuru 20100
City/Town : Nakuru
County: Nakuru
School Category: public
School Code : 27500007
Phone Number: 020-2130-435
Email: [email protected]