All About Garissa High School
Garissa High School is located in the Dujis constituency in Township . The school is part in Garissa distict in the North Eastern province of Kenya.
The School is a boys’ boarding school. The schools sponsorship is listed as Central Government/Deb. The School Institution Type is classified as a national school in Kenya.
It has an enrolment of 460 with a student teacher ratio of 17.7 and a total teaching staff of 26 people. This school has a total acreage of 3285.
Garissa High School Contacts and Location
School Name: Garissa High School
Physical Location: Kismayu Road
Address: P.O. Box 94, Garissa 70100
City/Town : Garissa
County: Garissa
School Category: public
School Code : 45800001
Phone Number: 046-2575
Garissa Secondary School – Highlights
Drama Club:
Debate Club:
Sports Team:
Girls and Boys Scouts:
Students Association:
Garissa Secondary School – Facilities
School Library:
Swimming Pool:
Sports Field:
Computer Lab:
Science Laboratory: