University Of Nairobi Thika Campus
University Of Nairobi Thika Campus,
The Campus is located along General Kago Road, Thika town. It is the epicentre of all Mount Kenya University Campuses and hosts the offices of Chairman, Board of Directors, Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellors. It is also home to Medical School, College of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, School of Nursing , School of Pharmacy,School of Pure and Applied Sciences, School of Social Sciences,School of Business and Economics, School of Hospitality, Tours and Travel and School of Engineering & the Built Environment. The entire MKU history is anchored here. The acorn that grew into a giant oak was sown here.
“Birmingham of Kenya”
Thika town, the location of the MKU Main Campus is 45 Kilometres from Kenya’s capital Nairobi and about two Kilometres from the heart of Thika town, Kiambu County. Thika is an industrial town and is affectionately called the “Birmingham of Kenya.” Besides textile, food and chemical industries, the town also hosts various tourist sites notably 14 Falls and Chania Falls.
The acorn from which the giant university would sprout to spread its tentacles throughout the region was sown here in 1996. Five Kilometres East of the Main Campus is the proposed expansion site. It is a 23.5ha piece of real estate that will in future host a one-of-a-kind Science and Technology complex. Thika has a special place in the narrative of colonial Kenya, and is immortalize in texts such as The Flame Trees of Thika. The town has sprinkles of pan Africanism wherever you look; Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Wangari Maathai Gardens…to name but a few.
To be a leading centre of excellence in human capital development in education sector for sustainable development.
To maintain a leadership role in human capital development, generation of new knowledge, ideas and innovative pedagogical skills, involvement in research and consultancy services leading to enhancement of quality of life for humanity.
Both the vision and mission of the school are geared towards offering quality professional preparation programmes and promotion of excellence through instruction ,research and consultancy services to meet the dynamic needs of the country in human capital formation .our core values thus include,inter alia:-
- Provision of high quality teaching.
- Keeping abreast with technological advancement.
- Dedication to excellence.
- Upholding the ethics and etiquette of teaching learning, research and consultancyclick here to see undergraduate courses offered.
click here to see graduate courses offered
Downloadable bronchures
Undergraduate application form
post graduate application form
P. O. Box 468
Makongeni Thika
Kiambu County
+254 739 969 000 /+254 703 969 000