University Of Nairobi Journalism

University Of Nairobi Journalism

University Of Nairobi Journalism,

The history of professional training for journalists in East Africa dates back to the early 1960’s. The intention then was to Africanise the mass media. Between 1963 and 1968, the International Press Institute ran a series of six-month training programmes in Nairobi for journalists from English-speaking African countries. To continue of these programmes the Ministry of Education approached UNESCO in 1968 to assist in setting up a more intensive training programme integrated into the University of Nairobi.

Thus, the School was opened in the University as a UNESCO regional project financed largely by funds from Denmark, Norway, and Austria to cater for students from Eastern and Central Africa.

Until 1979, the School offered a two-year undergraduate programme leading to a Diploma in Journalism. This earlier effort was mostly aimed at advanced-level secondary school leavers and journalists with little or no prior professional training. The courses gave practical training as well as relevant theoretical background in subjects such as mass communication, international studies, economics and government. From 1980 to-date the School offers a program leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication, a Masters Degree in Communication Studies and from January, 2006, a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies.  The latter program has four specialization namely, Development Communication, Public Relations, Print Journalism and Broadcast Journalism.  Plans are at an advanced stage to launch a bachelor of Arts in Broadcast production program.

School of Journalism and Mass Communication: Director’s 1970 – 2013

Mr. Poul Martisen  1970 – 1972

Mr. Donald J. Dallas  1972 – 1975

Dr. William H. MacAteer  1975 – 1976

Mr. Peter Mwaura  1976 – 1981

Mr. Chen C. Chimutengwende  1981 – 1982

Dr. Josiane Jouet  1982 – 1984

Dr. Joseph Mbindyo  1984 – 1990

Dr. Absalom Mutere  1990 – 1993

Mr. Magayu K. Magayu  1993 – 1995

Dr. Joseph Mbindyo  1995 – 1999

Dr. Lewis Odhiambo  1999 – 2002

Mr. Zeke Waweru  2002 – 2002

Dr. Lewis Odhiambo 2002 – 2003

Dr. Wambui Kiai  2003 – 2016

Dr. Ndeti Ndati  2016 – To date



P.O.BOX 30197 00100

3rd Floor, Education Building, Main Campus
Tel: +254 20 318262
Fax: +254 20 2229168