Kisii University First Year Admission
Kisii University First Year Admission,
Applications are received from respective individuals interested in our programmes. Admissions office will review your application and supporting documentation carefully to assess your overall academic preparation. In evaluating your application the following factors will be considered:
· Mean Grade scores achieved in High School
· The strength of your high school course work
· Grades earned in core subjects depending on the specific programmes in which you are interested
· Additional information you provided in support of your application.
Before you apply for admission you are encouraged to carefully consider the various degree and diploma programmes available. Admission is on a first come first serve basis so be sure to complete your application early. Whether you are interested in undergraduate or graduate studies, diploma or certificate programmes, Kisii University has a variety of programmes to choose from in fulfilling your educational and career goals.
1. Download application forms from Kisii University Website
2. Pay Kshs. 2000 for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and also Ksh. 1,000 for diploma applications to the
3. Kisii University College account, National Bank of Kenya,
Kisii Branch A/C No.01230035009000
4. Ensure a Bank Slip is attached to the filled application form
5. Fill the application form attaching copies of all Academic and Relevant certificates
(ID/Birth Certificate) One passport size photograph
6. If applying for P.G.D.E and Masters Programs, attach certified copies of all academic
7. Send the application forms duly filled to
P.O BOX 408-40200
Send the filled copies via e-mail to
NB: All applications via E-mail will be verified against the original documents on reporting date. All relevant documents should be attached.
You can also deliver them by hand to the university.
To apply for admission, download the forms now…
Or contact
Office of Registrar
Kisii University College
PO Box 408 – 40200
Kisii , KENYA
Email : [email protected]