All About Mama Ngina High School
Mama Ngina Girls High School is located in the Kisauni constituency in Ganjoni. Mama Ngina Girls High School is part of Mombasa County.
Mama Ngina High School was established on the 25th January 1988, as a public double streamed boarding school.The school was started with an aim to utilize the mama Ngina hostels, which were left unused after the introduction of the 8-4-4 education system.
The schools sponsorship is listed as Central Government/Deb. The School Institution Type is classified as – National School. Mama Ngina Girls has an enrollment of 361 with a student teacher ratio of 18 and a total teaching staff of 20 people. This school has a total acreage of 0.75.
The school has continued to excel academically and in co-curricular activities over the years hence maintaining the national level all through.
Mama Ngina High School Results
Mama Ngina Girls Results will be updated soon…
Mama Ngina High School Contacts
School Name: Mama Ngina High School
School Code No: 03100001
Type of School: Girls Boarding
County: Mombasa County
Physical Address:Kilingo Area
Postal Address:P.O. BOX 81074-80100, Mombasa
School Description: National School